IFPRI Malawi is pleased to announce the publication of a key facts sheet on social safety nets the full "Key Facts Sheet: Social Safety Nets" here (819 KB). This is the third in the series which began with a fact sheet on agriculture and was followed by another on food and nutrition security. The series is being produced using the third and fourth Integrated Household Surveys (IHS), the latter of which was undertaken in 2016/17. The series aims to synthesize recent nationally representative household survey data into easily digestible facts that will inform key policy issues on agriculture, food systems, and development in Malawi.
Highlights from this Key Facts Sheet include:
- The percentage of households benefiting from formal social safety nets increased from 17 percent in 2010/11 to 36 percent in 2016/17.
- In 2016/17, half of Malawian households received remittances in cash or in kind, up from just over a third in 2010/11.
- The total value of remittances equaled the value of formal social safety nets in 2016/17, having surpassed it 10 times in 2010/11.
- The percentage of credit constrained households decreased from 51 percent in 2010/11 to 35 percent in 2016/17.
Download the full "Key Facts Sheet: Social Safety Nets" here (819 KB).